Coaching Through Crisis

A *New* Virtual Workshop designed and facilitated by award-winning speaker & author, Gary Markle

Are YOU ready to strategically pivot in the face of any crisis?

Business Economic Crisis Strategy Planning Preparedness

According to Deloitte, “Sixty percent of crisis management leaders believe that organizations face more crises today than they did 10 years ago” and 24% cited the effectiveness of leadership and decision making as one of their greatest crisis management challenges.

This customizable, interactive program is designed to help you lead through strategic pivots and mitigate the negative impact a crisis has on your business.

Even the most stable of organizations will be swept off their feet by an unexpected crisis, either internal or external.

Not only to leaders need to know what to SAY, they have to know what to ASK and what to DO. Employees need more than a broad reassurance. They need clear direction and a vision of how they’ll fit into the new normal with your organization.

What is Coaching Through Crisis?

With a focus on internal communication and developmental coaching, Gary helps business leaders learn what to say to their people and how to strategically update individual development plans to best navigate a crisis.

Gary has combined his Master's degree in Organizational Communication from Purdue University with over 17 years in Fortune 500 HR leadership and more than 20 years of small and mid-cap business consulting to create a highly interactive virtual customized workshop.

This program also features the use of custom crisis management tools designed for workshop participants to use with their own teams throughout the organization. 

Most importantly, Coaching Through Crisis is intended to shift participant energy toward proactive realization of positive potential outcomes.

What to Expect:

  • Length: 2-3 hours depending on customization preferences

  • Facilitated break out sessions for a deeper dive into material

  • Zoom-based virtual delivery with cameras on both workshop leader and participants

  • A pre-meeting call with Gary to customize your workshop to suit your unique organizational needs

You will learn:

  • Protect against negative impact to business

  • Maximize impact of strategic pivots

  • Restore control of organization’s direction

  • Leverage customized Crisis tools

  • Elevate quality and significance of response 

  • Mitigate loss of productivity