Companies that want to keep an eye on the performance of their employees absolutely must evaluate and rate their efforts, right? That’s what we’ve been told for decades. Even after new trends and processes have emerged in recent years, a huge portion of organizations still swear by reviews.
SpongeBob is owned by Nickledeon (Paramount Global)
What’s the best thing you can do with a performance review?
W. Edwards Deming had it right when he said to eliminate them. They’d be better served helping to start a fire to roast marshmallows over. At least that might be an activity that employees would enjoy while building camaraderie in the company.
Gallup polls tell us that 15% of the U.S. workforce is disengaged as of June 2021. Consider how many people are currently with your organization. What is 15% of that number? Statistically, that’s a problem. Of course actual percentages will vary, but leaders are kidding themselves if they think that their employees are immune to it.
Business News Daily reported some sobering numbers that managers and leaders must keep in mind when approaching performance management:
85% consider quitting after a performance review they consider unfair
34% would leave if they didn’t feel valued
Most importantly, more than half of employees said they prize career growth in the job opportunities they’re considering!
What should companies do instead of traditional performance reviews?
Organizations need a performance management system that actively works FOR both employees AND business growth. A one and done isn’t going to cut it and neither will generic check boxes.
It has to be a living conversation that is documented, well facilitated, and empowers the employee to become invested in their career and their team. Managers must actively seek input from workers and balance that against strategic growth, keeping it future focused and goal oriented.
Examples of great performance management:
Here is a multi-step framework that managers can use to ensure they’re motivating employees, increasing productivity, and retaining top talent.
Solicit Employee Input: Sit down with the direct report one-on-one in a private setting. You can also facilitate this coaching session through a Zoom or other virtual meeting platform. During this meeting, give the employee the floor. Encourage them to share their accomplishments, disappointments, how they’ve grown, where they want to go with their career, and any other issues they want their manager to be aware of. Leaders must avoid dismissing, demeaning, or correcting the feedback they’re being given. Stick to asking clarifying questions and taking great notes.
Give Coaching from Managers: After considering what they learned from the employee input and how that ties into the needs of the organization, it’s time for the manager to provide their direct report with coaching. They should start with reviewing the strengths that person brings to the team and why the company appreciates their efforts. Back up those observations with individualized examples of a job done well. That opens the door for the next part of the conversation: Focus Areas. These will be what the employee should focus on developing and improving for the next year. Avoid thinking of this as a list of weaknesses. A few examples of good focus areas for employees could include delegation, time management, or product expertise. Keep it future focused and empower the employee to own the plan for meeting goals.
Create SMART Goals: Now it's time to create a plan moving forward. Though it’s counterintuitive, this isn’t a job for the manager. The employee should ultimately be in charge of their own development plan. They should take Focus Areas and create a series of SMART goals to meet them. Once the manager gives them the ok, this will be what they work on through this coaching cycle.
Check Progress Regularly: This one seems like a given, right? Managers are going to notice if progress isn’t being made on something, right?? Well, in theory, yes. In practice, people get busy and things get put on the back burner. Before you know it, things have been deprioritized and forgotten. Meet at least quarterly to check on the progress of each development goal. Even if it can’t progress any further, the manager and direct report should have a conversation around the barriers to success.
This type of coaching based performance management is intuitive for some managers while others are going to have a tougher time. I bet you can already think of a couple supervisors in your company that would struggle with this. Performance reviews are just what they know and what they’re comfortable with.
Well, what is comfortable isn’t always what is best. Let’s talk about what Catalytic Coaching can do to increase your company’s productivity, employee retention, and overall growth.
Catalytic Coaching is a performance management system created by Gary Markle with the goal of replacing dreaded performance reviews with a proven process that increases employee retention and engagement, improves company culture, boosts productivity, facilitates promotions and success planning, develops employee’s skills and abilities, resolves challenges with difficult employees quickly, and supports rapid business growth.