Navigating through the Storm

By now, we’ve been tossed on the stormy seas of Pandemic for weeks. It has severely restricted many sectors of our lives and completely shut down others. There is nothing usual to business anymore. 

I don’t remember a time when I’ve gone so long without being on the road. For years, business as usual meant speaking engagements and onsite trainings that kept me on the go three out of every four weeks. The Silver Lining is that I’ve now found more time to focus on projects and plans that had been placed on the backburner for ages. No matter how long this continues, those will be accomplishments I am happy to have checked off my list.  

While there are conflicting ideas about how much longer we’ll be navigating through this, we can all agree that the crisis will continue to rock our boats for a long time to come. Even Post-Covid, there will be economic shockwaves rippling. 

Covid Crisis Pandemic Employee Experience Work from Home Change Business Company Pivot Performance Management

We are all in this storm together, but we aren’t all in the same boat. Some of our boats are much more comfortable than others. For your company to remain afloat, you’ll need to make sure your team is staying afloat. 

Navigating through the storm requires a proactive approach. In a recent article, I presented the Life Disruption Index as a useful tool to invite insight from your team and others you’re meeting with. You need to know what their boat is like. If they’re trying to weather the crisis in a derelict dingy, chances are high that they’ll capsize. 

Now go for a deeper dive. If you use Catalytic Coaching, there has never been a better time for a that yellow Coaching Input Sheet. That gives employees the opportunity to discuss any concerns directly with their Coach and opens the door for tackling any changes that are necessary due to the crisis. Chances are any goals and plans made even as recently as January will need to be modified or completely scrapped. 

With team members feeling heard, supported, and given clear direction, your sailing will be much smoother no matter what the storm may bring. 

Here are three vital steps you need to take to navigate the storm:

1) Ask for their input. Don’t underestimate the importance of asking “How are you?” Using tools like the Life Disruption Index in group settings and Catalytic Coaching for one-on-one sessions will give you a foundation to build vital and productive conversations. 

2) Adjust accordingly. We’ve had to make massive modifications to our work environments and habits. It follows that the plans and goals we set will be heavily impacted and even irrelevant. The new normal may have called for jobs to change. This could present welcome opportunity for some or dreaded disruption for others. Getting clear goals in place will not only make your company continue to run as smoothly as possible, but provide much needed clarity and relevant guidance to your employees.   

3) Keep them in the loop. There is too much uncertainty right now. People need the comfort of clarity. Group video conference calls and one-on-one Coaching meetings give you the facetime you need to connect with your team. Internal messaging boards or newsletters can keep information flowing and minds eased.

Gary Markle Catalytic Coaching Speaker Business Consultant

Garold (Gary) Markle is the creator of Catalytic Coaching and author of Catalytic Coaching: The End of the Performance Review. He brings real world experience from 17 years in HR leadership in major corporations coupled with 20 years of teaching small and mid-sized organizations how to cultivate their leadership and ditch their detrimental performance reviews for a proven Coaching process. 

Book Gary to speak to your audience about speeding your pace of significant change. 

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