Performance Management is NOT dead

So you used to do those performance review things? Or whatever flavor of performance management your company liked for this season. 

Did you do one this year? Is it getting everyone through this new normal?

We’re half way through the most chaotic year in decades. Absolutely no organization has been left untouched. The demands to stay poised for the next rapid shift makes it difficult to keep everyone in concert. 

And there your team sits. 

With outdated performance reviews and plans that aren’t often compatible with the here and now. I know your managers are tired, but the show must go on! 

performance management review HR employee hiring coaching

Make the music match the steps:

It’s hard to dance elegantly when the music keeps changing. Performance management is like an intern that frantically swaps out the sheet music on everyone’s stand so your orchestra can keep playing and the dancers don’t trip up. 

Your managers become an extension of the conductor (CEO) when Coaching their team. Rapid change may mean more Coaching, but it’ll also mean your orchestra will be playing at peak performance. 

Raise the bar:

Even with small gains in a few sectors, the world is still a fickle beast right now. 

Time to take stock, reorganize your teams, and drill down on where your employee’s skills and interest compliment the organization’s needs. That’s the Coaching Sweet Spot. 

Have your managers align their performance management Coaching with that sweet spot. A Coach2 can help guide them through the process of identifying Focus Areas and refining team cohesiveness through Development. 

Need a Coach2? There’s an upcoming virtual Catalytic Coaching Mastery Program designed for HR leaders and senior executives who are ready to make a positive, rapid impact on employee performance. Details on the Mastery Program webpage

Don’t get stuck in the waiting game:

Ever hear people talk about “the right time”? It’s this mythical age where all things will be easy to do because we’ll have all the extra time and resources.

There’s just one huge problem.

“The Right Time” doesn’t exist. 

The right time is when you decide you’re ready to make an improvement. 

And there’s no time like the present. Unpause and execute.

Garold (Gary) Markle is the creator of Catalytic Coaching and author of Catalytic Coaching: The End of the Performance Review. He brings real world experience from 17 years in HR leadership in major corporations coupled with 20 years of teaching small and mid-sized organizations how to cultivate their leadership and ditch their detrimental performance reviews for a proven Coaching process. 

Book Gary to speak to your audience about speeding your pace of significant change. 

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