Your Ducks are NOT in a Row

Your Ducks are NOT in a Row. 

They aren’t even in the same pond. 

The noise and chaos of 2020 has scattered those ducks here and yon. It’s nearly time to migrate into 2021 and it’s going to be harder than ever to get the flock together. 

As we head into the final quarter, you have to turn your eye to what comes next year. You will continue to lead your team and expect others to do the same. You will continue to develop your vision for the company. You will continue to grow your business as best you can.

You won’t have the luxury of waiting. 

2020 put us all in pause mode more than once. False starts and dramatic turns have kept everyone from capitalizing on once made plans. We saw the pandemic hit and we waited. We saw the political stage growing increasingly fiery and we waited. We saw murder hornets, domestic protests, riots, international tension, Brexit, UFOs, and wildfires and we waited. 

No more waiting. Even with so much still up in the air, we absolutely have to start preparing for success in the coming year. 

How do you get your ducks in a row?

1) Take stock. Looking to increase your revenue by $10 million in the next 3 years? Want to boost your new customer sales by 12%? Ready to expand into a new region? Those goals are NOT dead in the water. Getting to them just may be different than you had originally envisioned.

Let’s take a critical look at your goals and resources. It’s especially important to consider your most vital resources: your HUMAN resources. To get your ducks in a row, you’ve got to know WHO your ducks are, WHAT they can do, and IF you need to change up the flock. 

2) Get SMART. What’s good for the goose is good for gander. (ok, we’re introducing some geese into the flock) The best way to get the most out of your employees is to get the most out of yourself and your immediate team. You set the pace for everyone starting with your own SMART goals

How will you delegate? What kind of impact are you looking for? Who is the best person to get the job done? When should they have it done by?

The CEO doesn’t have a Coach to guide them through this. High-Impact Coaching and Transformational Teambuilding were two programs developed specifically for business leaders at the top. Both methods provide either shorter or longer term Executive level Coaching guided personally by Gary that gets your ducks in a row and speeds the pace of significant change.

3) Take flight. No more waiting. It’s time to chart the course and get going. You have got to be ready to hit 2021 with everything you’ve got. Map it all out now and invest in your company’s success before January whirls in. 

Not sure where to start? Take flight with an In-Flight session with Gary. Let us know you’re ready.

Now is the perfect time to hire the best talent from a crowded pool, get those olives into jars, and embrace a tough love approach

2021 will be as great as you make it!

Garold (Gary) Markle is the creator of Catalytic Coaching and author of Catalytic Coaching: The End of the Performance Review. He brings real world experience from 17 years in HR leadership in major corporations coupled with 20 years of teaching small and mid-sized organizations how to cultivate their leadership and ditch their detrimental performance reviews for a proven Coaching process. 

Book Gary to speak to your audience about speeding your pace of significant change. 

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